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Power Up!

  • Thursday, March 27, 2025
  • Thursday, April 24, 2025
  • 2 sessions
  • Thursday, March 27, 2025, 12:00 PM 4:00 PM (MST)
  • Thursday, April 24, 2025, 12:00 PM 4:00 PM (MST)
  • Pima County School Superintendent's Office
  • 30



  • What: Information school leaders want to know about key topics in Special Education and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). These sessions were designed in consultation with Pima County School Special Education Directors, who serve as a school leader’s first resource for support. Local special education leaders will be introduced.

    When:  Session One Thursday, March 27, 2025, 12:00 - 4 p.m.

                  Session Two Thursday, April 24,2025 12:00 - 4 p.m.

    Where: Pima County School Superintendent’s Office 200 N Stone Ave.

    Why: Students with disabilities must have appropriate access to the general curriculum and effective instructional support. Implementing IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) is a primary responsibility of our school leaders. They are responsible for ensuring that students' academic and behavior progress is monitored closely. Research suggests that the school leader’s role is pivotal in the special education process; however, few school leaders feel fully prepared for this responsibility (DiPaolo and Thomas, 2003).

  • Session OneWe will discuss legal requirements of a student’s IEP.

  • 1. Ensure positive outcomes for students with disabilities. 

  • Session Two
    We will recall the value of preventing discipline problems,      particularly de-escalation strategies. This conversation will include discipline processes for students with IEPs and 504 plan

  • 1. Describe the top 10 things school leaders must know about discipline for students with  IEPs or 504 plan.

  • 2. Develop campus wide strategies to support students who exhibit challenging behaviors and employ preventive strategies to reduce the need for disciplinary action across students.

  • 3. Describe various ways to de-escalate challenging interactions and refrain from restraints.

     Registration: $279 (includes both sessions). Lunch and parking included. 

  • Series Facilitator: 

  • Dr. Leila Williams recently retired as the Exceptional Education Director in Sunnyside Unified School District. She brings over 35 years of experience in Education. She began her career as a vocational business teacher at the Arizona State School for the Deaf and Blind. Dr. Williams received a master’s degree in Deaf and Hard of Hearing at the UA and became an itinerant teacher in TUSD. During that time, she was place in leadership and began her course of study for a PhD at the UA. In 2008, Dr. Williams transitioned to a position with the Arizona Department of Education, where she enjoyed working in state assessment, specifically the alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities. She was advanced to Associate Superintendent for State Assessment, Accountability, School Improvement, and Adult Education. Following a 10-year career in AZED, she became the Exceptional Education Director for Sunnyside Unified School District. One of her greatest accomplishments was promoting inclusive practices for students with disabilities.

  • Guest Speakers:

  • Denise Lowell-Britt, Attorney has been practicing law at Udall Shumway since 1987 and has been an equity partner of the firm since 1993. Ms. Lowell-Britt is very pleased to devote her practice entirely to representing school districts, community colleges, charter schools and other public educational institutions. She heads the firm’s education law group. Ms. Lowell-Britt provides daily advice and assistance to school districts and other public educational institutions. Ms. Lowell-Britt advises and represents clients in matters that include but are not limited to personnel issues; special education; Section 504 and ADA issues; student disciplinary hearings; student records; contracts; policy development; governing board liability and open meeting and public records issues. She has extensive experience working with matters involving the EEOC, OCR, DOJ, and the Arizona State Department of Education.

  • Heather R. Pierson, Attorney joined Udall Shumway PLC in 2009. She is a member of the School Law section, representing the firm’s education law clients throughout the State. Ms. Pierson comes to Udall Shumway PLC uniquely qualified in education law. Prior to joining Udall Shumway, Ms. Pierson taught students with behavior disorders. During her teaching career, Ms. Pierson was involved in the development and implementation of Individualized Education Plans (“IEP”) and behavior plans and attended several trainings on special education and regular education interventions and strategies. While in law school, Ms. Pierson provided in-home ABA services for children with autism under the age of three and participated in the Whittier Law School Special Education Clinic, which provided special education advocacy services for children with developmental disabilities. Additionally, Ms. Pierson earned her master’s degree in special education in 2004.

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